Yes, that is my new job. Teaching english for kids. 3 and 4 years old kids. Boys and Girls. Looks like this job is easy *at the first time* but after I dealt it few weeks, I found out that this job is not easy as it looks. Every class is a test for me. The cases are not similar with the previous class. There will be a new challenge, a new case and a new silliness.
Those kids are so funny and they're little devil at the same time. They can eat you alive if you're not prepared yourself. But if you can accomplish your mission and teach them a new thing, you will have this feeling. Proud feeling. I love that feeling. Especially if they're looking for me, holding my hands, hugging me and calling me "Miss Mela"
Thou I feel tired after teaching but their smile really can brighten up my mood once again.
This job is not easy, will never be easy, but I enjoy it. This job needs my creativity and my heart. Yes, my heart. I will need my heart for teaching them since it's not only teaching but also making a new character in those tiny bodies.
"I am special, I am special, God loves me, God loves me. Nobody the same as me, because I'm special, God loves me"