Couple days ago, I just had quite touching chat with my sister. At first I complaint about our auntie's comment about our parents. Then she said something that shocked me. All my point of view are changing. I paused. I asked myself and I felt ashamed.
I had a great parents and wonderful family and I can't realize it until now. Yes until now. I wasted all my time and my money. Feel bad about it. But my sister told me to move and not to regret anything since it will be my motivation in future. Nice advice. I really feel bad with my family especially with my dad n my mom.
I know maybe it's too late but it's better than never.
I was so wrong and I want to make it right now.
My life is for my family and loved ones.
"Ninik sayang mama, sayang papa. Sori nek ninik ga isa ngasih apa2 ke papa mama"