Friday, 12 June 2009


Lots of stories that I like to share here. Eng ..... which one ya? How about I'll tell you one by one, based on my memories (wkwkwkwkwk).

Last night, I was invited by Yohan's dad for having a last dinner since he's going to fly to Donggala this morning with Yohan's granny. I felt sungkan *sorry since I don't know the English for sungkan* hahahaha. But Yohan insisted me to go, so I filled the invitation and brought something for Yohan's mom *nge-suek nie*.

We had dinner in XO suki with my future dad-in-law's relatives *mumet ah*, Yohan's uncles and aunties. I was sitting next Yohan's granny. "Mati kon" that the first words across my mind. Since I'm not that kind of girl, seng bisa manis2 mulut n manis2 tingkahe. But I do respect older people, since my parent taught me that. Cuman ga tau mau ngomong apa sama Amak, since dari language juga agak2 ga nyambung *u know the accents*. But I DO behave. Ngambilin makanan buat mak, ngambilin mie dari hot pot *I'm sooooo lucky, soale biasa e susah amir ngambil mie di XO suki nek pake cedok, tapi kemaren bisa* Juga nanya2in Amak, mau nambah lagi ga. Hehehehehe overall lumayan lah, maybe next time aku bisa lebih akrab ma Amak. Gimana2 bakal jadi Amak ku juga kan.

Btw dapet bocoran, kalo aku dibilang lebih supel n lebih suka ngomong *positif ga sih* Ambil hikmah nya aja, at least keluarga besar e Yohan welcomes me to the family *yeah*.

This morning, I had a heavy conversation with my mom. It's quite rare since I never share anything with my mom, only share funny things not heavy ones. I told her that I'm going to resign this July and she's fine with it *fyi, mama ku ga suka liat anak2 e nganggur di rumah*. I also told her that I'm going to learn about my mom's job at her family since Yohan has a plan for our future. She said OK, and she'll support me, she's also going to tell her sist to help me and guide me while I'm Jakarta. Yup, I'm going to Jakarta learning my mom's bussiness. Yihaaaaaa.

It's going to be a tough fight in a hard way, but I will try, I want to learn, at least I don't want just sit waiting for someone offers me something. But I have to chase, I have to grab the opportunities that I still have in my life.

So ..... let's fighting.

THIS IS MY LIFE ........

(that's all that I wanted to share with you guys)


  1. Keep on sharing n praying, Mel ^^

    D's decision letting you go, does affect many aspects in your life -much *in a good way* :)

  2. yup, can't agree more rika. Hopefully I'm in right track.

    Iya cen, mau ke jakarta, kerja sama ii ku, belajar2 dulu, lagian mau ke donggala kan akhir bulan 7. Sapa tau ilmunya bisa dipake ntar kalo mau bikin usaha mbe yohan.

    Never late to learn something new
