Thursday, 5 August 2010

A problem's solved, a new one strikes!

These past weeks have been my toughest weeks ever in preparing my marriage. Lots of stressful things happened. I'm so exhausted, physically and mentally. One problem is solved, another is coming, it's like a satanic circle. Keep round and round and round. Like there's no end.

After I finished with church thing, then I have to deal with legal stuff. Another crazy thoughts and another fight. Yet we can solved this, once again. But another is already on the waiting list.

This preparing is supposed to be fun, happy and lots of excitements. I do, really! I'm so exciting when we're shopping for our room, our bathroom, our wardrobe. Buying this, buying those. I was tired *physically* but yet I enjoyed it.

Entering to technical stuff like church, legal stuff, hotel etc, they are like nightmares to me. I'm panicked all the time.

But I always keep my sister's line in mind, she said "This is your wedding, your dream comes true, so enjoy it. Just sit back and make it fun. Enjoy while you still can since it's not coming twice"

Yup, this is my marriage, my dream comes true, I've been waiting for this long time ago, so I won't make any stupid things let this marriage down. Never!!!

This is only the beginning of our new level, it's like our pre-trial. We're going to prove that we can handle these all. Because I have one great Lord at my side and hubby-to-be at the other side.

So problems, BRING IT ON!!!!!

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