Saturday, 28 March 2009

Pepper lunch

Finally ..... I can taste Pepper Lunch. Looking at the menu (woot), errr .... expensive.

But I made up my mind. I took Pepper steak. Look at it at the first time, I can't hardly wait to eat it...........

I never eat kecambah before, and as you can see their kecambah are big. But in this menu, I ate them all.

What a miracle?! Hahahhahahha

It's just another new experience with new resto and food.

My chubby's bday

I quite confused what should I give to him as a bday gift, since all he wanted for now is E71. Thou I'm willing to buy it for him but it's so damn hard to afford it. (sorry honey).

Then I planned something for him, surprise!. Not a real gift, but a real moment to cherish it together. The bday moment that he really wanted. Ever. Intimate, special and only us.

It started by texting him. Congratulated him. Pray for him. Then enjoyed Pepper Lunch together. It's about time to finally take me there. Hahahaha. Since it's too expensive. A little bit confused at choosing what we wanted to eat. All the prices are above 60K. Woot.

Since the line is getting longer, we finally made up our mind. I ate Pepper steak and he ate Cut and Hamburger steak. Since it was our first time, we got help from the waitress. It's very nice of her. Oh.....silly! Shame on you, hon!

Like always, I took the pics before I eat it. Just want to remember how it looks at the first time. The taste is so damn great. Yummy. Delicious. Hao Che. Enak gila. Now I can understand why it's so expensive! Coz the taste is great! (Slurp .... I can still feel the meat in my mouth while I'm writing this down)

After finished, we had chit chat for a while. From there, I realized how much I love him and want to be with him forever. Definitely will say yes if he popped the question.

Then I asked him to GM. I told him that Starbuck has promo and only available at GM. The real is I planned the surprise there.

We ordered Hot Caramel Machiato, Mango with Vanilla syrup and Cheese quiche. We sat at our fav table and I asked him to close his eyes. I put a candle in our quiche and lighted it on. I sang a happy bday song and asked him to open his eyes. Love his face that time. I will be grateful if I can have another round of that time. Then he blew the candle and one of my surprise didn't work. The candle didn't relight. It didn't!!!!!! Argh..... it screwed up everything. But he laughed. He didn't disappointed. He thinks it's funny. My face at that time is really entertaining for him. Stupid me! I forgot to read the instruction.

After all, last night is the best bday ever. He loves it and happy. Glad to know it. At least I did it. Gave THE moment to him as his bday gift.

What happened tonight will be in our heart forever and hopefully we can be happier and stronger as a couple.

"Happy bday, baobei. God sent you as a gift for me. Love you always"

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Save your own ass

Last night I went home late. I had to finish setting my room at new office. So I was waiting for installment and assembly of my office table. Quite vusy till I couldn't plurking by phone (It's a good therapy, isn't it?)

Since it's been 2 years having this renovation so I quite forgot with things inside my room. The details actually. What I used to have in my room. All I can remember are main table, filling cabinet, drawers. That's it. Guess so.

I found out that the bolts are missing. Bolt for drawers and cupboard. Damn!I uninstalled them by my own & I perfectly remembered that I already saved the bolts. They're gone when I tried to re-install them once again. How come?! Magic?!

This moving in - moving out really got me. Kedungcowek-Manyar-Kedungcowek. So all these damn things been moved twice. SO lucky that my stuff not as much as the finance, marketing and engineering divisions. But still got me dizzy.

They also lost their bolts & other stuff. So to avoid Devil's anger thay bought the bolts themselves. Since they bought their own, they're so possesive. They only cover their own lost (I also have to buy the missing bolts by my own). Then I realised all people (in this office) are trying to save their own asses. Woot. Before we had this office setting, we're like good friend for each others. Share food, laugh together & suddenly we're just like enemies for each others.

Seem no good people in this fucking wild office. Indeed.

Gotta go sooner!!!!

Hate this kind of friend

Finally I got my bakso jagalan last Thursday. Full portion. Hehehe. Starving.

Then suddenly I saw a face that bothers me so bad until today.

She's my elementary friend. Not that I don't want to say hello by I had my trauma. At high school, I saw her after 3 years I didn't meet her. Since I had my junior high at malang. I came to her and said hello. Until today I still can remember her lines.

"Hi ..... A ya?"
"Lu sapa?"
"Lho aku Mela, temen SD dulu, sering maen bareng kok"
"Hm .... ga tau, ga kenal"

WTF?!!!! She left me with this anger.

Start that day, I forbid my self to get close with her including tonight. I really hate that kind of person.

Just remembered that I used to fight for a boy with her.

Hahaha ... ada anak SD wes pinter pacaran.

The It Time

19th March is something for me. Finally I found the right time to talk to him. Quite nervous at the first time. Worried that I couldn't find the moment.

Actually he pissed me off that day, since he forbid us to go home before everything are done in setting up the office. It almost 6 pm (I guessed) and I had nothing to do so I asked his permission to go home. He let me. At the basement (woot, this is the 1st time I had office with basement), I didn't directly go home. Had little chit chat wih my warehouse guys. Then suddenly his driver started his engine, followed by him went down to us & I got this voice inside my head. Said "this is the moment".

I started the conversation by giving him compliments for his masterpiece (all the details this renovation are his ideas) & then I popped the questions.

First question was asking permission for skip the day work for yohan's graduation and he approved it. Second one, the It question about my resign. I said that I had to follow yohan back to donggala.

His first argument was asking the wedding date. He told me that I shouldn't go to donggala if yohan hasn't proposed me yet.

He gaves me lots of advices (sounds arguments & objections to me). But I rest my case, I told him "Harga mati, Pak". He said ok, but still he asked me to reconsider these 4 months.

He shared about life after marriage and what should women do to their husbands. Lots of facts & some stories he shared made me feel that he's just another lonely guy. He doesn't quite happy with his life. He's not that mean. Ouch, what happen to me? He intimidates me again. He's really good in that. Always twisting the facts.

He also can defend himself when I informed him about his anger and "unstable" behaviours. Hahaha, it's so him.

I must thank him for he ever gave to me (including all his emotions). All these lessons & spirits.

"Thank you .... hopefully I don't have to see you again"

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Slumdog Millionaire - love story

Finally I can watch this movie. Yohan told me long time but never pass me the DVD *sigh*

For me, this is a love story. New kind of love story. Jamal Malik is looking for his first love, Latika and to find her, he joined the "Who wants to be millionaire". Since he knew Latika loves the show.

He can answer all the questions so people think he's cheating. Since he's not genius, just an orphan from Mumbai's slum.

He got all the answers from all the experiences he had in life. Finally he can find her.

Most Indian movies contain singing and dancing which I couldn't find them in this movie. Mr Boyle really sure can bring each stories trough the questions. I really loves the way he put the plots.

Cast : I only knew the Anil Kapoor, since he's familiar.
Scene : I just realized that India is so poor. You can see how slum they are.
Storyboard : New kind of love story. "It's our destiny" said Jamal to Latika

Overall : best Indian movie ever.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Chit Chat with my courier guy

Yesterday had nothing much happened. Just visited to custom, asked about the new procedures of importing tubes and pipes. On the way there, I had quite heavy conversation with my courier. He works here at my office as a courier guy. He goes to banks, goes to customs, does the delivery documents and stuffs. He married already and has 3 children.

For me his life is quite difficult, but he never complains. He told me that you have to ENJOY this life. I caps it since he really said ENJOY. Hahaha. He said life is like "mampir ngombe". We only stop by just for a drink. So don't think too much, just enjoy it, since it's only for drinking.

Nice chit chat thou.

Then after got back from custom, we've been told to clean and mop the floor (again). What the hell????!!!!! I'm confused with this kind of office and it's management.

I really wish I can get away from this office. Since for me, it's a hell.


Monday, 16 March 2009

Underworld - Rise of the Lycans ...

At first, I had no intention to watch this movie since there's no Kate Beckinsale on it. I thought there's role replacement. Her role given to someone else. I was wrong.

This movie is prequel of Underworld and Underworld : Evolution. It's giving us the answer of feud between Vampires and Lycans.

Victor has a daughter named Sonja (I thought she's a character that Kate used to play, after recheck I found out that Kate's role is Selene). She fells in love with Lucian. Lucian only Victor's guardian werewolf.

Tired being slave, Lucian lead the war against Vampires. Victor's anger to Sonja provoked him. The climax is when Sonja got burned to death (this scene is really confused me since I kept thinking that Sonja is Kate). Lycans got their victory and it's just the beginning.

At the end of the movie, there Kate on Underworld and I DID found my answer. Stupid me *doh*

Lucky me, Yohan took me to watch, otherwise I will have wrong perception in mind.

Cast : still Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy.
Scene : still dark (since it's underworld theme) But I do like the making love scene. It's an for me *drooling*
Storyboard : more deep information about what's going between Vampires and Lycans.

Overall : miss underworld? Watch this one.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

My imaginary world

Been realised something and it feels so damn hurt. Wish never feel it. Ever.

Been lied to my self in getting my happiness. Guess I still live in my imaginary world and when everything didn't go as my plan, I torn apart.

I'm not as tough as I thought. I just wish I can cry out loud and don't have to be ashamed of it. Just want people know that I'm hurt.

All inside me like missing puzzle now and I'm disable to put them back together again as one.

Want to walk away and not to think abouit it. Just enjoy the complexity of me and wish no one care.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Defiance - another movie of Daniel Craig

Honestly I want to watch this movie because there's Daniel Craig on it. I just want to know him with different character of James Bond.

For me, he played the role very good. There's no image of Bond there. It's really true the character that he played on that movie as Tuvia Bielski

Since this is movie about running away from Germany troops and defiance of one family, the Bielski's, I'm not that in to the movie. The story goes too slow for me. Boring.

Cast : Daniel Craig is enough for me to watch this and he never fails me.
Story : too long and too slow for me
Scene : nice scenes, the director surely take the right angles

Overall : if you like this kind of movie, then go ahead.

Quarantine - Not movie I like to watch at Theater

Quarantine, pertama kali liat trailer nya sih keliatan bagus and seru gitu. Sekilas kaya Resident Evil, 28 days later, 28 weeks later, Dawn of the Dead. Same shit, different characters.

Luckily my bf bought the DVD for us and it's quite good quality. I never like to watch DVD since it always error disc at my place. So dislike DVD. I forced to watch it cause it takes long time to be in theater.

At the first time, it's bored enough since only talked about life in fire department with no actions at all. There's tv crew, one reporter and one camera man. They follow them to one apartment down town. There's something wrong with one person there. Then suddenly that apartment was being blocked and got quarantine from outside world. They contained with rabies. Heavy one.

There's no solution on this movie, no explanation too. So we have to figure out ourselves what the heck is going on there.

Cast : average actors.
Scenes : dizzy since they took the movie from moving camera
Story : like I said before, shame shit different characters.
Overall : no suggestion to watch it on theater.

Friday, 13 March 2009

Bank Job - review

I watched Bank Job starred with Jason Statham and other British actors. I'm a fan of Jason. I tried to watch all his movie.

This one is telling us about a bank robbery to steal something precious for The Royal Family. Based on a true story and also all of them are amateur villains. Quite thrill for me.

Therry (Jason Statham) is an ex bad guy and tries to live in a good way. When the bussiness doesn't seem go well, there's a job for rob a bank. At first, Therry thought there are lots of jewels and money inside the bank, but there is most precious one. They got the money and jewels but also they opened the "Pandora's box". They knew a huge secret and lots of parties are looking after him. The mob, the dirty cops, the MI- even the royal and prime minister.

The process entering the bank is thrilling for me. Can't wait to see what happen next.

Overall, I like this movie. Jason did a very good job. He doesn't have to take off his cloth this time.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Those memories will last forever

I'm hearing the album of Paula DeAnda. The singer that someone recommended to me. I heard it just because he asked me to. Luckily I'm enjoying that. Her music, her voice are quite nice that makes me keep turning her every time I'm in a bad mood. It was 1 year ago but still those memories coming back to me. I can perfectly picture all those memories on each songs.

Lots of memories for little time. But still ... they last forever in my mind.

Loving you is my privileges. But I really have to let it go. Have to walk away, but I'm gonna remember you always.

"I can't explain this feeling, I think about it everyday and even now I'd moved on, it gets so hard to walk away"

Love you always

Saturday, 7 March 2009

7th March 2009

Today is Saturday. It should be a free-work day but not today since our office is under renovation and our boss insisted to get done before next Tuesday. So today we did some "extra" jobs. We whisked and mopped the floors to clean all the dust. It's quite fun actually but I didn't like if my boss around. Since he became little bit annoying. So damn tired. I never did that before at home and now I did it at my office. Wow ....

Before the cleaning activities, we took a quite funny pic. It was my idea.

Hahahaha. I will put it as my wallpaper.

Also the next pic is dark cloud viewed from our 3rd stores window.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Movie - to - watch list

The following are movies I would like to watch (they are in random orders) :

1. Confessions of Shopaholic
2. The curious case of Benjamin Button
3. Changeling
4. The quarantine
5. Marley & Me
6. Push
7. The Strangers
8. Vicky Christina Barcelona
9. Righteous Kill
10. Defiance
11. Valkyrie
12. Doomsday
13. Revolutionary Road
14. The Passengers
15. Transformers : Revenge of the fallen
16. GI JOE
17. Terminator Salvation
18. The International
19. Angels and Demons
20. Harry Potter
21. House Bunny