Last night I went home late. I had to finish setting my room at new office. So I was waiting for installment and assembly of my office table. Quite vusy till I couldn't plurking by phone (It's a good therapy, isn't it?)
Since it's been 2 years having this renovation so I quite forgot with things inside my room. The details actually. What I used to have in my room. All I can remember are main table, filling cabinet, drawers. That's it. Guess so.
I found out that the bolts are missing. Bolt for drawers and cupboard. Damn!I uninstalled them by my own & I perfectly remembered that I already saved the bolts. They're gone when I tried to re-install them once again. How come?! Magic?!
This moving in - moving out really got me. Kedungcowek-Manyar-Kedungcowek. So all these damn things been moved twice. SO lucky that my stuff not as much as the finance, marketing and engineering divisions. But still got me dizzy.
They also lost their bolts & other stuff. So to avoid Devil's anger thay bought the bolts themselves. Since they bought their own, they're so possesive. They only cover their own lost (I also have to buy the missing bolts by my own). Then I realised all people (in this office) are trying to save their own asses. Woot. Before we had this office setting, we're like good friend for each others. Share food, laugh together & suddenly we're just like enemies for each others.
Seem no good people in this fucking wild office. Indeed.
Gotta go sooner!!!!
haiizz :( smua jadi mentingin diri sendiri..