Saturday, 28 March 2009

Pepper lunch

Finally ..... I can taste Pepper Lunch. Looking at the menu (woot), errr .... expensive.

But I made up my mind. I took Pepper steak. Look at it at the first time, I can't hardly wait to eat it...........

I never eat kecambah before, and as you can see their kecambah are big. But in this menu, I ate them all.

What a miracle?! Hahahhahahha

It's just another new experience with new resto and food.


  1. girasss :D
    tp ga kenyang kan mkn ini..
    first time experiencing Pepper Lunch is when i was in Bali.. :D
    1 year later they opened it at TP :D

    tp kyke ga minat balik mkn sana lg..issit??

  2. nih sapa?

    btw nek mau dikenyangno ya kenyang lah. Lumayan lah.
