Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Ash Wednesday

Today is an Ash Wednesday … the day to start the 40days atonement before Easter. We called it Pre-Easter. For 40 days, we are fasting and doing prohibition. But the important thing is our humble heart in doing it. Our J doesn’t need our fasting and prohibitions, He needs our heart through the process. So we can learn to be humble and try not to make our sins going larger.

For me, this moment is like another chance to be J’s good girl. He gives me another opportunities to win His heart once again. So hopefully I can do better this year since I never had the full fasting and prohibitions.

It’s gonna be hard since I’m quick-hungry person. Hahahaha. But I will do everything as long as J is in my side and hold my hand. I can do it. .Jia you.


  1. hehehe..klu niat pasti bisa ^^,



  2. Iya harus bisa ... meski banyak godaan ....
