Wednesday, 18 February 2009

My old fren n his advices ...

I got a call from my old friend last nite. We rarely had conversation lately. Since both of us are busy .... (cie). Like usual we asked about our present condition and how's life on our opinion. Then suddenly he popped out a question. A question that I was thinking about last year and still get no answer. And he brought it back right in front of my cute face.

After the call I couldn't sleep even I want to since I was sleepy last nite. I keep thinking about what he said. Then I (just) realised that he's a complicated person. He is a think-then-do person and I'm do-then-think kind of person. And I hate him for that, since he always corrects me. For me, such an acne in my face.

But the main problem is not him, it's me. I still have no answer for that question and at some point he made me become unsteady with the decision I already made. But I guess, he just want to best for me. Maybe, he got a crush on me *wink wink*

Bottom line is I should find the answer ASAP and let's hope it's the right one. He suggested to have A MOMENT ( I caps it since he pressed the word while we're talking last nite) with J. Pray and seek what J want me to find. It's gonna be hard to do. Since my relationship with J is not that firm lately. That's why I asked him to pray for me and tell my what is the answer. Hahahaha ..... since he's quite close with J. I think he's one of J's fav son.

Just now he sent me a text, insisted me to get the moment and try not to run away from life. Since life is teaching you about everything and making you to be a great person indeed, just like J want to.

J bless me .... Ameen ....

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