Friday, 20 February 2009

Missing you

Lately I never had a proper conversation with my dad. For it kinda strange, since I'm closer to my dad than my mom. All the conversations always end up with a arguer and sometimes a fight. He's changed. He's not like the fun dad I've known before. He keep talking about marriages and I hate to hear that. Useless and pointless.

I really wish he could understand me like he always did before. At this point I really wish I'm not the elder in the family. I don't want to be a first daughter. I didn't choose it.

I love my dad and keep trying to be his best daughter he ever had. But sometime, he has to realize that I'm not that good. I'm Me and don't want to be anyone else.

Miss the old you, pa.

1 comment:

  1. yang sabar ya c mela..
    ur dad wants and wishes u the best, myb he just showed it in uncommon way :)
