For me bestfriend is everything, more than my family since I wasn't that close with my family. More than my boyfriend (before I met Yohan, of course). Thou I'm being with Yohan, I still find a way and time to hang out with my BFF I share everything with my BFF. My happiness, my sadness, my dreams, my angers, my sense of being funny. Bottom line is I love my BFF.
Last Saturday we had a triple dates. Me with Yohan, my BFF, Sari with her "male friend" (I'm writing this since I still have no boyfriend notification from her) and my college friend, Vera with her boyfriend.
I've heard about her "male friend" several times, but she always make me think that they are friends. But what I see last Saturday, it's not a friend bond for me. You will not have a shared drink with your "male friend". You will not feel comfy if he touched your shoulder at photo section and you will not holding hands with you "male friend".
I'm shocked but I didn't want to ruin that nite, since it was for Vera. Vera was visiting us and having fun.
I have no problem whether that "male friend" is not chinese or has a different religion with you, but at least she can share me something or tell me that he is her boyfriend.
I thought she was different with my ex BFF. She also did the same thing a long time ago. She used to say that she need no man to be with, but after she found a guy who want to be with her, she forgot everything, including her BFFs. And I will not forgive her for that. Never!
I guess I'm expecting too much from her. As long as she's happy, it's fine by me.
But for now on, I will not put large expectation for someone else since it's damn hurt ......
Guess, I already missed the meaning of having bestfriend or bestfriend it self.
Ada yang bilang "sahabat itu lebih dari seorang saudara bagimu", menurutku itu benar.. justru ke sahabat kita bisa benar" menjadi diri kita sendiri, kita nda perlu nutupin kejelekan kita. Karena sejelek"nya kita mreka akan tetap menerima kita apa-adanya.
ReplyDeleteHmm.. kita bisa mempunyai banyak teman bahkan teman dekat, but a few people can be our best friend!
just wishing whats best for ur BFF lah mel..:)
ReplyDeleteaku juga pernah rasain pengalaman kayak gini,sebel sih,tapi setiap orang berhak memilih dengan siapa dia mau berbagi dengan kebahagiaan nya, aku setuju dengan kata "cc" just a few people can be our best friend,:D
ReplyDeletebener2 menyakitkan emang... mengharapkan tapi engga mendapatkan apa yang kita harapkan...
ReplyDeletekadang seorang yang paling deket dengan kita (BFF), kita tuntut dia untuk bisa ngertiin diri kita -apapun keadaan kita- maybe ini salah satu saatnya kamu ngertiin kondisi BFFmu, mel...
cobalah km omongin baek2... ditanyain kenapa alesan dia engga cerita ke kamu. gudluck.